• A Staff Canada Group Company

5 days, Apple iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and iMac Advanced Motherboard Soldering Course, Vancouver, BC

5 days, Apple iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and iMac Advanced Motherboard Soldering Course, Vancouver, BC

 October 11, 2020 at 1:12 am   |     Author:   |      

Event Details

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This is a 5 days, Apple iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and iMac Motherboards troubleshooting, diagnostics and Advanced Soldering Course for experienced technicians. Fee is $1500 per attendee. Please note, we also offer a 3 days iPhone and iPad Advanced IC and Micro Soldering Specialist Course for $750. Group discount available. Fee includes hands-on training, soldering material, practice iPhone, iPad, MacBook and iMac Motherboards. Certificates will be awarded after the course. Register at least 2 weeks prior to the course start date.